Guide - OBS integration

OBS Integration

Playcasting is designed to augment traditional broadcast streaming by adding audience play and participation to the stream.  To support streamers in trying this idea without changing the way they already stream we have integrated support for OBS into the Playcast Server.  Open Broadcast Studio can see and stream from the Playcast virtual Shadow Cameras and the Playcast Host can see and stream from the OBS virtual camera. So PlayCasting and OBS can interoperate.  

If you want to stream while Playcasting at the same time, simply choose the OBS virtual camera on the Playcast Server application and connect OBS to your live-stream while you play.  

Choose the OBS Virtual Camera when Playcasting instead of the ShadowCam and OBS will stream any live-game play session you may be having with friends who are themselves playing via a Playcast URL connection.